Tuesday, January 19, 2016

A Parody For When Donald Gets Our Country Back


Since the polls still show support for this idiot, and the GOP is kinda fancying the attention it is getting at the expense of the constitution, we might as well bid farewell to our beloved anthem come the Trump inauguration and instead be ready to sing along the below parody - of course, tongue in cheek :)

Oh, say! can you see
by that Donald's website
What so proudly we failed
to dig his tweeting & re-tweeting
Whose ports and bright borders stalled,
threw the immigrants out of sight

O'er the ransacked mosques we watched,
were the ISIS still streaming?
And the NRA's empty glare,
bullets sweating in the air,
gave proof thru the polls site,
that our Trump lad was still there

Jose, does that star spangled
visa   yet    a c c e p t e d?
O'er the land of the fear-monger's glee
And the home of the freedom's grave

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