Friday, February 16, 2018

Make America What Again?

White House is overrun
by a tsunami...

of Commies...

Of White Nationalists...
male chauvinists,
wife beaters and
their Bigly swami

And this is so far
during just the first year
of this stable genius nay harami

They wanted to Make America Great Again...

WE wanted America safe
not safe havens...
for Nazis who
are hatred driven

Safe from crimes.
From criminals that
they said were of
chain immigration

What drug dealers,
murderers and
rapists from a
friendly nation?

America is no more safer
for an innocent kid

Where Congress souls
Are mercilessly sold
To most Rubles or Dollars
From the highest bid

Not safer
Not one bit.

And the only wall
they wish for us
is a wailing wall?
A wall to mourn
our dead children
Whether Vietnam
or a civil war

After they turn America into Grave again?

For our kids?
Grieving parents
are burying them.

automatic rifles
and ammunition
semi automatic,
Or just bump stock-it
you name it
they got it
and they will train
again and again.

They will train
a 19 year old kid
to carry out mass shooting

The white supremacists
who first sent
their “sloppy Steve”
and the “sloppier at tweeting”

The Nazis rejoice

And came out of their hide.

And this is just the state of the union inside.

On the outside...

Things get worse with no respite

Russia is toying and teasing

with our politics,
democracy is ceasing

our social media
and buying off our
greedy “men in suits”

who thrive
on selling snake oil
and then file
for bankruptcy
when the courts pursued

Yet they said
in a charade
That they will change
the way Washingtonians operate

They came to Washington D.C.
claiming to be
“draining the swamp”
for all to see

Looks more likely
THEY were the slimy
swamp parasites
from sea to shiny sea

from the heartland
come the swamp dwellers

From around the country...
a voter bank of the deplorable.

Monetizing a religion.
the very one
they believe in

Claiming 2nd
to open carry
Or simply go with
conceal carry.

Toms, Dicks
and Harrys
Turns out they were nothing
more than the NRA mercenaries.

~ Rahil Khan